Meet Our Agents
Lisa Ann Payne
Licensed since 1999 Lisa GRI ABR SRES CCMS CCRS CCIS CNS CEMS GREEN Relocation Specialist Associate Broker is a recipient of the NJAR Circle of Excellence (2002 to 2008) NJAR Million Dollar Sales Club Sales Performance and Rookie of the Year Awards. Lisa joined the company in 2011 and served as a technology trainer and presently the Sales Manager of the Washington Twp office.She is a member of the National and New Jersey Associations of REALTORS and the Gloucester Salem Counties Board of REALTORS. Lisa received the honor of the 2016 Sales office Leader of the Year, for BHHS Fox&Roach and the 2017 Realtor of the Year for the Gloucester Salem Counties Board of Realtors. In addition she is a member of the Washington Township Chamber of Commerce.